Inanga Rose DFA
More about Inanga
I was born in Canberra, Australia in 1967.
When I was 7, my sisters and I moved to New Zealand so that my agricultural scientist parents could buy a 25 acre hill farm in Mangaroa Valley. The next 14 years saw bare land develop into nut trees, ducks/geese and sheep. I spent most of my formative years planting trees, feeding animals, and plucking poultry!
Having left home at 17 to attend art school in Dunedin, I found myself in my first compulsive eating therapy group. Early sexual molestation at 7 years of age in Australia (from the father of a school friend) and rape at 14, on top of difficult family dynamics had badly eroded my sense of self-worth in the world.
During the next two years I learnt self-acceptance around the 'why' of binge eating. I studied yoga and meditation, and discovered I was a healer. I was able to make sence of my audiovoyant (able to hear guidance of non-physical folk) ability. I ran a drop in re-birthing clinic, shaved my hair off and ate myself into the size of three people. Severe Glandular fever and bi-polar type manic depressive behavior frequented me.
A few years later with an ill, eczema covered and colicky baby I did two years of a homeopathic degree, and attended in depth personal counseling. By now I was working in therapeutic massage and as a healer. My research moved into herbs, vibrational medicine, diet and working co-creatively with others and nature. The use of kinesiology (muscle testing) became my primary diagnostic tool. The counseling saved my life.
Over the years I have continued to work with many forms of healing for my own well being. Now, it is easy for me to sit as a normal weight of around 10 stone – 62kg. At the end of summer I weigh a half stone less, in the depths of winter, a bit more. I like who I am, my fat and my thin. It's easy living in me.
I am strong, fit and healthy. I like to bike, jog and walk, and I eat whatever I want. I drink alcohol, eat meat and have occasional cheezel binges (!)
I garden and live a life I am passionate about – I make art, grow a fantastic garden of food that my body thrives on, and I live in a very quiet extremely beautiful environment in a home I have designed. I am 50, have a magnificent husband, two grown children of my own and two others I have shared in.
My life hasn’t always been so abundant… this is my 28th house! I have lived as a solo parent, on a dependent person’s benefit, and I have needed much support, counseling and educating to become who I am. I have been furious with the world and the unjust community structures I both see around me and have experienced.
These days I have worked out how to ‘make life work’ so to speak! Now I experience much joy and ease.
The manifestation of these outer things took some doing - consequently, I have them to share!
Blessings, Light, Joy, Love and the Deepest Respect to you and us all here on the journey of life. Inanga Rose
I was born in Canberra, Australia in 1967.
When I was 7, my sisters and I moved to New Zealand so that my agricultural scientist parents could buy a 25 acre hill farm in Mangaroa Valley. The next 14 years saw bare land develop into nut trees, ducks/geese and sheep. I spent most of my formative years planting trees, feeding animals, and plucking poultry!
Having left home at 17 to attend art school in Dunedin, I found myself in my first compulsive eating therapy group. Early sexual molestation at 7 years of age in Australia (from the father of a school friend) and rape at 14, on top of difficult family dynamics had badly eroded my sense of self-worth in the world.
During the next two years I learnt self-acceptance around the 'why' of binge eating. I studied yoga and meditation, and discovered I was a healer. I was able to make sence of my audiovoyant (able to hear guidance of non-physical folk) ability. I ran a drop in re-birthing clinic, shaved my hair off and ate myself into the size of three people. Severe Glandular fever and bi-polar type manic depressive behavior frequented me.
A few years later with an ill, eczema covered and colicky baby I did two years of a homeopathic degree, and attended in depth personal counseling. By now I was working in therapeutic massage and as a healer. My research moved into herbs, vibrational medicine, diet and working co-creatively with others and nature. The use of kinesiology (muscle testing) became my primary diagnostic tool. The counseling saved my life.
Over the years I have continued to work with many forms of healing for my own well being. Now, it is easy for me to sit as a normal weight of around 10 stone – 62kg. At the end of summer I weigh a half stone less, in the depths of winter, a bit more. I like who I am, my fat and my thin. It's easy living in me.
I am strong, fit and healthy. I like to bike, jog and walk, and I eat whatever I want. I drink alcohol, eat meat and have occasional cheezel binges (!)
I garden and live a life I am passionate about – I make art, grow a fantastic garden of food that my body thrives on, and I live in a very quiet extremely beautiful environment in a home I have designed. I am 50, have a magnificent husband, two grown children of my own and two others I have shared in.
My life hasn’t always been so abundant… this is my 28th house! I have lived as a solo parent, on a dependent person’s benefit, and I have needed much support, counseling and educating to become who I am. I have been furious with the world and the unjust community structures I both see around me and have experienced.
These days I have worked out how to ‘make life work’ so to speak! Now I experience much joy and ease.
The manifestation of these outer things took some doing - consequently, I have them to share!
Blessings, Light, Joy, Love and the Deepest Respect to you and us all here on the journey of life. Inanga Rose